Prices shown in CAD


Q: Why order from Nature’s Wonders Florist?

Our flower shop has been consistently rated as Vancouver’s top FTD florist for well over ten years and has always held an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. We understand the importance of marking special occasions and personally guarantee that our all of flowers, plants and gourmet gifts will be fresh and delivered on time.

Q: How will I know if my gifts or flowers have reached its recipient?

We will provide confirmation of any deliver, if requested. If you do not hear from the recipient on the day it was to be delivered, please contact us at 1-800-606-1338, or by email, so that we can confirm that delivery was made and personally respond to your request. For more information, please see our Delivery Information page.

Q: Where can I obtain coupons, discounts or e-codes for your website?

We have a special way for all of our customers to receive notifications of special promotions, discounts and e-coupons. When you initially set up your account, you will be given the option of receiving our newsletter through email, and if you elect to, we will automatically send you the latest news of sales and special promotions. This is a free service that we offer through our website, and we encourage you to take advantage of it, so that you can get the best values on flowers, arrangements and special gifts that we have available. As well, often these promotions happen around the holidays too so check your inbox before ordering.

Q: Is it possible for me to get a copy of my order receipt?

Once your order has been accepted, a receipt detailing your purchase will appear in your browser window automatically. Should you need a copy for your records, all you have to do is print the receipt as soon as it appears, or you can print out the copy that we automatically email to your registered email address that you have provided to us to set up your account.

Q: Can I send an order anonymously?

Yes, you can. You can send any of our gifts anonymously, including any special message you want the recipient to have. You must know, however, the recipient can request that we provide the sender’s name to them and by industry rules, we must do so. We have found that receiving a wonderful gift will lead the recipient to be curious as to who was so thoughtful, so be prepared for the eventuality that you may be uncovered if you choose to gift anonymously.

Q: Why do you charge taxes, even if I do not reside in Canada?

Unfortunately, both provincial and federal laws do require that any tax to be paid on an order be determined by the recipient’s location, not the sender’s. Therefore, we are required to charge the appropriate sales tax for any delivery site, even if different from the sender’s, by law. 

Q: Can I send a message that is longer than the usual limit?

It is possible, but may require the purchase of a larger greeting card to do so. We charge $5.99 for this service. If you do not wish to take advantage of this additional service, be sure to include the words “message to be emailed” in the message field at checkout. This will alert us that you will be sending us a longer message to be included inside the greeting card with your gift.

Q: Can Vancouver Flower Delivery be trusted with my privacy, money and order?

Certainly. We guarantee all of our deliveries, no matter the location, we continuously strive to live up to the trust placed in us by our customers. All the information you enter onto our site, including identifying and financial information, is 100% secure at all times, and we take the security of our site very seriously. We constantly monitor our security measures, and upgrade when needed so that all of our customers continue to have the utmost trust in our site, and our policy against leaking private information. For more information, please refer to our Security and Privacy Policy page, or feel free to call us at 1-800-606-1338.

Q: Is it possible to order by phone, rather than through the website?

Yes, please. Our website is aimed to provide 24/7 shopping opportunities for our customers, but if you would prefer to speak with one of our dedicated customer service professionals instead, please feel free to contact us anytime at 1-800-606-1338 or 1-604-875-7777.

Q: Will my order look the same as the picture on the website?

While there may be times when it will become necessary to substitute flowers, or containers, due to a lack of availability, generally our designers are trained and have many years experience creating the products we have in our repertoire. Occasionally, dependant on the time of year or other, a substitution could occur. If this should happen, we will make every effort to maintain the value and integrity of the arrangement, with attention to details such as color schemes and premium flowers. If we are required to substitute, rest assured that we will only use those of the same quality as those expected in the arrangement pictured. We will always exchange items of equal or greater value to meet your needs, and we never settle for less. For more detailed information, please see our Substitution Policy, located elsewhere on this site.

Q: Is Sunday delivery possible?

It is possible, but we cannot guarantee that Sunday delivery is available in every region or town across Canada and the United States. Because we rely on our vast network of affiliated florists to help us make those deliveries possible, there will be times when it might not be possible to do so, because they are not able to make it happen. If this should happen to an order you placed with us, we will make every effort to be certain that it is delivered either on the day before, or the day after. If it is imperative that it be delivered on Sunday, please call us at 1-800-606-1338, so that you can be certain that Sunday delivery will be available in the area you want your gift delivered to.