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Shop for Larkspur

All About the Larkspur Flower

The larkspur is more than what meets the eye. This flower is poisonous to humans and pets, except for sheep. When eating these flowers, sheep do not seem to be affected by them. However, small children who put everything into their mouths must be kept away. It is a member of the buttercup family and can be seen all over Europe but is now firmly rooted in North America as well. Special meanings and powers were given to plants centuries ago. The larkspur has a couple of different meanings ascribed to it. One of them is that the flower refers to having the qualities of an erratic state, as in inconsistent loyalties. Another reference ascribed an air of frivolity to larkspur.

Description of the Larkspur Flower

It is a beautiful, tall, slender flower of the genus Delphinium. There are about three hundred species within that genus. All of them are pretty flowers. Being native to Europe, the larkspur is genetically set up to withstand cooler temperatures but not really cold temperatures. High heat in the summer is also dangerous for their survival. Leaves of the larkspur are pointed and lobed. Five petals make up each of the individual florets on the stalk. One of the petals is somewhat elongated, having reminded someone of the shape of the silver spurs knights used to earn. That is how one of its names was born. There are other names for larkspur as well. The colors of these flowers are varied, but very often come in red, yellow, blue, white or purple. A fully grown flower can be as high as six feet tall.

Uses for Larkspur

Larkspur is most generally a garden plant. Because of its height, it does not lend itself very well even to tall vases. The best use is probably as a backdrop on a flower garden against which the shorter flowers can grow and be seen. They add a wonderful array of colors that will make every gardener’s heart leap with joy. Planting uni-colored flowers in front of the multi-colored larkspur will give you a beautiful picture that is worth the exposure in a flower magazine. For decorative purposes, you can’t go wrong with the larkspur. You will also be helping bees in pollination and giving hummingbirds a great place to hang out.

Growing Larkspur

This flower thrives in climates we would not consider as optimal for flower growth. It loves the temperate climate and it doesn’t seem to mind shortened amounts of sunshine during the day. Their rhizome root system will propagate the plants without you having to do anything. Learn about light, water, and planting before you start growing larkspur. Too much or too little of one thing may doom the project before it can get started. The flower seems to like rich loamy soil. Once the flower is growing, it blooms almost all summer long. Because it is so brightly colored, honey bees and hummingbirds are attracted to it.