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Shop for Sunflowers

All About the Sunflower

Everyone knows the Sunflower and so many people love this flower and adore it. This is a flower that children can appreciate and adults can have memories of their childhood. This is a flower that symbolizes summer and makes people appreciative of the season. But, one of the best features of the sunflower is that it comes in all different shapes and sizes and it can be used in so many different ways. Check out the sunflower and all the great uses for it; see how to grow it and what you can do with it so that you can enjoy this beautiful flower.

Description of the Sunflower

You will find that the sunflower is an annual plant that actually needs to be replanted every year that you want to grow it. But, you will find that in the same sense, it is an extremely easy plant to grow and it doesn’t take a green thumb to grow it, no matter where you live. One of the really interesting parts about the sunflower plant is that the head of the flower is a bunch of individual flowers that are all put together. In fact, you will find that there are between 1000 and 200 individual flowers that actually make up the base of the sunflower plant. A sunflower is a vivid yellow color, which makes it look just like the sun. The flower itself will grow anywhere from 5 to 12 feet tall and sometimes they have been known to grow as large as 40 feet, that may just be a folklore tale, there is really no proof. However, the sunflower is a beautiful flower to check out for sure.

Uses for the Sunflower

The sunflower has many different uses and is very versatile. People eat the seeds of the sunflower after they roast and salt them, they are delicious. You can also use the oil that comes from the plant to cook with. Aside from that , people grow them for fun and to have some large flowers in their yards. Or, they are used for bouquets and arrangements, but those have to be the smaller sunflowers, they look great and add a lot of color.

Growing the Sunflower

You don’t need to be a gardener to grow the sunflower, anyone can really do it that wants to. It doesn’t take much work and it doesn’t even require you to replant the seeds sometimes. What happens is that each fall, as the plant dies, the seeds will spread on the ground and get carried away by animals or the wind and weather. Sometimes, you may sunflowers in the spring sprouting up in areas that you hadn’t even imagined, they really just need water and sunlight to grow well. If you want to have the giant sunflowers, you are going to want to have lots of fertilizer and lots of moist soil, then have drainage, between that and the sunlight, you will have some great looking sunflowers.